Friday Links: Fall Picks

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You heard right! You all probably know that I absolutely love Christmas but I find that the Christmas season is just so short. You truly only get a good month of enjoying the holiday before you pack it all up and the new year begins. That's why I fall just means so much to me. It's two warm and cosy months maybe even 2 1/2 of simple color pallets and comfortable temperatures.

That's why as soon as September rolls over onto the calendar, I start pulling out my favourite fall pieces. I'm talking Wheat wreathes, faux branches, dried flowers and slowly, closer to thanksgiving here in canada, adding pumpkings weve grown in our gardens around the inside and outside.

I've rounded up some of my choices for fall this year having most links (besides I think 1) available to canadians to shop!


My Top 9 Martha Stewart Halloween Decor Crafts


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