The Christmas List

DSC_0359As Christmas draws closer, my family starts to send out our lists to one another. These are a page or 2 long of what we would like for Christmas. I usually take full advantage of this and write down everything I could possibly ask for. This year though, its a lot different. My list is short and what I do have on there, took me a while to come up with. Now that I'm a mom, it feels almost selfish to ask for lots of gifts. Everyone helps out so much on a daily basis that I guess I don't need a special day to feel loved and spoiled.  I am slowly learning about my new self as a parent and it shocks me with each realization. How one life event can drastically change a persons way of thinking is so crazy. But, here I am, living proof that it happens. When it comes to Aubrey, we want him to appreciate the things that he has. He doesn't need every cool new toy out there (nor will we have the space for that) so his list is short as well, filled with necessities and books. And when he becomes older, I hope we can teach him to choose one of his toys to donate for each new toy that he asks Santa for. That way, he will learn to give and receive. Oh Christmas, how greedy of a holiday you really are. Thank goodness for the magic, happiness and family time you bring or I don't know if I could love you anymore.Now back to this list,Katie Rose xoP.s. Happy 5 months to Mr. Aubrey, our little prince. I love you more with each passing day. At this moment I thought I couldn't love you more. but with the next moment here I realize I can.DSC_0369 DSC_0365 DSC_0366Monster Ncredible NErgy Black 128455порно кастинги смотреть бесплатногде купить керамическую сковородупосуда оптомкредит одобрение 100хоум кредит в клинукредит урал банк зачисления100 одобрение кредита


Getting In The Spirit


Ottawa #2: A Scenic View