My Thanksgiving Style Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Thanksgiving ThanksgivingMy Look: Sweater- Thrifted, Jeans- Zara, Heels- NineWest, Earrings- Aldo

Today I am thankful for many things. I have had a hard few years but am thankful for how it has shaped me into what I am today.

I am thankful for:

  • My boys. They make my life worth starting each day and drive me to come home safe to them.
  • My family. With their support, encouragement, and love, I feel like I could do anything. I am also thankful for how much they love Aubrey.
  • The fact that we have a roof over our heads and food in our belly. It sometimes may feel like not a lot, it it is much more than most.
  • The seasons. Because with each one, a new goal begins.
  • You readers. Without you and this blog, I'm not sure how my mind would be. Thank you for letting me be me without backlash.

Happy Thanksgiving Eh!Katie Rose xo

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