How To Force Bloom Flowering Trees and Bushes
Today is the day I finally share this quick and easy tutorial on how to force blooms on flowering trees and bushes. It's actually super simple and the perfect way to add some colour to your home for free towards the end of winter beginning of spring.
We started doing this when I was a baby with my family Easter tree. My dad would go out to weeks before Easter and cut a branch from an apple tree. We would then spend the next two weeks decorating it with homemade ornaments as well as some family heirloom ornaments. If we timed it right, by Easter morning the apple blossoms would be fully out on the branches.
How To:
First thing that you need to do is find a flowering tree or bush. This could be a fruit tree (apple, Cherry, Plum, etc), or an early blooming bush like Forsythia. Just look for something in your yard or around your property that you know usually has blooms in early spring.
Look for heathy branches with many different stems coming off and cut them to desired length. Rob usually trims our forsythia bush in February/March to keep its shape, so I just take the branches that have been trimmed off.

Next you want to make sure there are no small branches coming off the ones that you have trimmed where the water in your vase will hit.
Place cut branches in COLD water and place vase in a sunny place in your home. Remember to change the water every few days.
Within 1-2 weeks (depending on what you have cut) you will have beautiful blooms in your home.