Its Time To Give Poppy a Big Girl Room!

The Wild Decoelis | A Big Girl Room For PoppyWhen we moved into our home almost 3 years ago, we had the kids in the opposite rooms. We took our time and decorated Poppy's nursery exactly as we wanted to. You may remember the blog post with the reveal. But, Aubrey had other plans. His room, though equally great, was large and with the old pipes in our home, loud in the winter. There was also a presence in the room but we will leave that for another day. We struggled with him staying in his own bed.It was finally time to get Poppy into her own room, but before we did, Aubrey had started to sleep, and stay, in the bed in Poppy's nursery. So, last minute, right before we transferred Poppy to her crib, we switched their rooms. It worked!Unfortunately, after the switch, we didn't do much else. A few Posters were put up in each room to try and make them feel less empty. With NO storage in this old house, Poppy's large room became a dumping ground for all of the things that we had no room for in the rest of the house. With her still in the crib, we didn't really think anything of it.

The Before (Don't Be Shocked)

The Wild Decoelis | A Big Girl Room For Poppy | before photos The Wild Decoelis | A Big Girl Room For Poppy | before photos 2 The Wild Decoelis | A Big Girl Room For Poppy | before photos 3 The Wild Decoelis | A Big Girl Room For Poppy | before photos 4Now that Poppy is in a big girl bed, we need to change her room. We need to weed the clutter and plan a way to really utilize the entire space.So, whats in the cards? First is donating and selling off the silly things we have in there, like our spare couch, and baby toys we either never used, or the kids have grown out of. She still also has both her crib and bed set up so that needs to be taken care of. Our plan is to create both a play space and bedroom area so that the kids have a place to call their own, as well as a proper sleeping area for Poppy.Right now we are still in the design phase, but you can follow our inspo on Pinterest to see what we are thinking. We are hoping to be able to reuse many pieces of furniture that we already have in our home, along with DIY. We can't wait to share the process with you.Katie-Rose &Rob


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